Update V2.17 – 22nd April 2015
- Updated implemented plugins with security fixes
- Added Support for WooCommerce 2.3.8
- Added captions to product image lightbox
- Fixed issue with variation change and lightbox
- Fixed issue with vimeo thumbnail loading in Flash format
Update V2.16 – 16th March 2015
- Added WooCommerce 2.3.6 support
- Added custom quantity controls to products
- Fixed issues with Wishlist since plugin update
- Fixed incompatibility with WooCommerce Quickview plugin
Update V2.12 – 13th February 2015
- Fixed issue with payment descriptions on checkout
- Fixed issue with cart showing two shipping calculators
Update V2.11 – 12th February 2015
- Updated to support WooCommerce 2.3.3
- Updated Isotope script
- Fixed header cart to include tax when enabled
- Fixed styling issue with variable product add to cart button
- Fixed Quickview styling
- Fixed missing translation strings
Update V2.10 – 30th January 2015
- Added support for WooCommerce 2.3.
- Added Lato to Google Font options.
- Added option to show product short description on shop pages.
- Updated to Font Awesome 4.3.
- Fixed issue with image asset caption output.
- Fixed issue with icon shortcode.
- Fixed issue with super search showing draft prices.
Update V2.05 – 22nd December 2014
- Improved header wishlist dropdown to update via AJAX
- Fixed issue with missing product image when WPML active
- Fixed translation issues
- Fixed products layout issue on mobile devices
- Fixed other minor issues
Update V2.03 – 4th December 2014
- Minor page builder improvements.
- Adjusted page builder shortcode loading.
- Fixed issue with logo size on mobile.
- Minor styling fixes.
Update V2.02 – 28th November 2014
- Added lightbox options to theme options – arrows/thumbs/skin/sharing
- Fixed JS error on 2.01
Update V2.01 – 28th November 2014
- Added logo height & padding options, for greater control
- Fixed issue with mobile menu sub-menu width
- Fixed issue with carousels not displaying
- Fixed issue with product share(s) not including title
- Fixed issue with lightbox not being navigateable for a gallery
Update V2 – 26th November 2014
- Added Mega Menu Functionality – You can now enable mega menu on a per menu item basis, and select how many mega menu columns are shown
- Added iLightbox lightbox script – Super slick lightbox functionality, across all aspects of the theme including product images. Set the lightbox skin, thumbnails, sharing, and arrow options
- Added custom post type permalink rewrite options – You can now define custom URL rewrite for portfolio/team
- Added option of outputting product categories from the Product page builder asset
- Added option to set header search to only show product results
- Added Super Search Page Builder asset – You can now add the super search asset anywhere within your page builder pages
- Added Social Share shortcode to the shortcode generator
- Improved product zoom – You can now use touch to zoom the product images on your mobile devices
- Improved header logo / menu height adjustment based on logo size, now set automatically based on the logo image size
- Improved Page Builder edit modal sizing
- Updated Masonry script for better performance
- Fixed various issues
Update V1.9 – 1st September 2014
- Added Image Banner shortcode
- Majorly improved product image loading
- Fixed issue with product category navigation not showing
- Fixed issue with product carousel on portfolio items
- Fixed issue with page builder text formatting
Update V1.8 – 17th June 2014
- Major performance improvements, drastically reducing database queries
- Added search functionality to header 4 & 5 options
- Added holding page template, with no header/footer
- Fixed issue with page builder text block not saving in text mode
- Fixed product slider to allow use of navigation arrows with zoom enabled
- Fixed issue with cart dropdown showing incorrect buttons when no items in cart
- Fixed issue with product carousel on mobile
Update V1.7 – 17th April 2014
- Added RTL support
- Added WordPress 3.9 compatibility
- Updated necessary files for WooCommerce 2.1.7 update
- Improved mobile header to show on iPad landscape as well as portrait – for better usability
- Improved product zoom performance and integration, as well as fixing the overlay issues
- Improved product description + short description meta boxes to be wysiwyg editors
- Fixed issue with product schema
- Fixed issue with menu dropdown going behind image/banners in some circumstances
- Fixed an issue with the page builder single image asset causing a slow down
- Fixed issue with product image height when product asset with mini display type used
- Adjusted styling for product enquiry plugin
Update V1.6 – 10th February 2014
- Added support for WooCommerce 2.1
- Added function override checks to sf-woocommerce.php
- Added Google Font subset support in the Font Theme Options panel
- Fixed issue with google font weight/style
- Fixed issue with cart/wishlist on Header 5
- Fixed issue with cart page, previously did not validate
- Fixed issue with default product meta
- Fixed issue with badges not showing
- Fixed alt 10 text colour
- Fixed issue with layer slider within posts
- Fixed issue with product image gap when add to cart caption is hidden
- Fixed issue with theme options panel not loading correctly
- Fixed issue where search would show on mobile when disabled
Update V1.55 – 18th January 2014
- Improved WordPress 3.8 styling, new custom post type icons
- Fixed WooCommerce badges not showing on fade transition
- Fixed issue with image banner content on tablet/mobile
- Fixed ajax-loader.gif URL
- Fixed issue with products sale display ignoring the category
Update V1.53 – 10th January 2014
- Added new revolution slider version export
- Added spanish translation, thanks to miguelsoler
- Added option to disable the header search
- Added Xing social icon option
- Improved checkout page split
- Improved WooCommerce active check
- Improved welcome message header to only show when WooCommerce enabled
- Fixed standard category display issue
- Fixed issue with carousels, that would cause resize loop
- Fixed chart scale showing in IE8
Update V1.52 – 18th December 2013
- Fixed issue with Twitter oAuth
- Fixed issue with image banner shortcode generator
- Fixed issue with product thumbnail showing twice on product page
Update V1.51 – 15th December 2013
- Fixed issue with missing icons after v1.5 update
- Fixed other minor WordPress 3.8 styling issues
Update V1.5 – 13th December 2013
- Added brand new image banner shortcodes, with intro animations
- Added AJAX Search functionality to the header search
- Added option of changing product image hover transition to fade or slide left
- Updated Font Awesome to v4.0.3
- Updated Revslider to v4.1
- Fixed an issue where the meta on existing posts/pages would not save
- Fixed other minor styling issues
- Removed no script tag, not needed anymore
Update V1.4 – 28th November 2013
- Added text within my orders when there are no orders placed
- Improved the checkout process, now much slicker & much better UX
- Improved page builder media uploader to match latest version
- Improved variation select box styling
- Improved super search to not require widgets to be in the sidebar
- Improved wishlist template to add in support for new options in YITH Wishlist
- Fixed issue when woo commerce not active but super search enabled
- Fixed shopping bag styling issue on mobile
- Fixed result count issue
- Fixed issue with search results page heading background
- Fixed an issue with image zoom on product variations
- Fixed issue with description on product pages
- Fixed an issue with the checkout when register on checkout not enabled
- Fixed one column footer
Update V1.3 – 9th August 2013
- Added option to enable product zoom on product pages
- Added new WooCommerce badge for free products
- Added View Cart button to added to cart message on mobile devices
- Added Pinterest share button to post pages
- Improved mobile product listing styling
- Fixed issues with standard WooCommerce shortcodes (requires WP 3.6)
- Fixed minor styling issues
- Fixed menu issue in Opera browser
Update V1.2 – 28th July 2013
- Added catalog mode to WooCommerce
- Added product category options to the product page builder assets
- Added formatting to product description meta box
- Added extra meta box for product short description
- Fixed issue with menu drop downs on iPad
- Fixed issue with revolution slider page builder asset
- Fixed general minor WooCommerce issues
- Fixed minor CSS issues
- Fixed WooCommerce 1.6 issues
- Fixed issue with category select on page builder assets
- Fixed image upload issue
- Fixed issue with wishlist count in header
Update V1.1 – 12th July 2013
- Added Parallax Page Builder element (See example below)
- Added option to disable Super Search globally
- Added option to enable Page Builder on product pages
- Added meta boxes to product pages to enable customisation per item
- Added built-in maintenance mode option
- Fixed Revolution Slider embed method to throw error where necessary
- Fixed wish list header dropdown to always show current logged in user’s list
- Fixed issue with tour page builder asset editor
- Fixed a few issues with the header overlay set up
- Fixed issues with meta box fields (select + images)
- Fixed minor styling issues
Parallax Page Builder Element
1. Select the Parallax Element from the Page Builder.
2. Add your chosen Parallax background image.
3. Update your page to see your Parallax element in action.
Stay tuned for more!